National Stormwater Trust, Inc. is a stormwater management company that assumes the responsibility for the operation of stormwater ponds and deploys the latest technology to provide state-of-the-art stormwater treatment solutions that benefit our partners and the environment.

Learn more about stormwater management in the following resources.


New Regulations & Nutrient Credits Explained Webinar

Explore the latest updates to Florida’s stormwater regulations and learn how to meet the new treatment requirements using stormwater nutrient credits (SNCs) from regional stormwater management systems (RSMSs). Led by Mark Thomasson, P.E., the session covers the new treatment requirements, non-standard options for meeting new requirements, exemptions and grandfathering provisions.

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Nutrient Trading Under the New Stormwater Rule Webinar

Join us to explore how nutrient trading under the new stormwater rule impacts development standards and opens new opportunities for your projects in Florida. In this recorded webinar led by Mark Thomasson, P.E., you’ll gain essential knowledge to stay at the forefront of environmental compliance and innovation. Discover the pivotal role of nutrient trading in optimizing your development plans, along with practical compliance strategies to keep your engineering projects ahead of the curve.

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Optimizing Water Quality with CMAC Technology Webinar

Discover how Continuous Monitoring & Adaptive Control (CMAC) technology can enhance stormwater treatment and attenuation efficiency in this recorded webinar. Featuring a case study, this recording equips you with essential knowledge and practical strategies for optimizing site design to improve water quality and flood resilience. You’ll also gain insights into the latest industry trends and best practices, ensuring you stay ahead in stormwater management, all hosted by Jeff Littlejohn, P.E.  

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Navigating New Stormwater Rule Changes Webinar

Position yourself at the forefront of the upcoming changes to sustainable stormwater management and compliance in Florida. In this recorded webinar, you’ll explore significant updates to the state’s stormwater regulations and how they will reshape future development standards. Led by Mark Thomasson, P.E., this session equips you with essential knowledge and practical strategies for effective adaptation. Gain insights into the latest regulations and their implications for development and compliance.

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This website includes details on how the new stormwater rule works, updated forms, applicants handbook Volume IIs, and implementation timeline including when it is effective and who is affected.

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FDEP, [Updated] Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) Applicant’s Handbook Vol. I §8.3.3(a) 

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This document focuses on how municipalities, utilities, and related organizations can use advances in technology to implement “smart data infrastructure” for wet weather control—that is, how they can use advanced monitoring data to support wet weather control and decision-making in real time or near real time. 

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The study results suggest that it is imperative to consider future sea level rise conditions in stormwater design in low-lying coastal areas of Florida and around the world to prevent poor pond performance and increased risk of flooding in the future.

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An informative narrative of the how stormwater can be effectively reused.

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This manual is a compilation of information that will be useful to anyone interested in the St. Johns River Water Management District’s (SJRWMD) environmental resource permitting (ERP) program. It was developed as a result of the enactment of section 373.4131 of the Florida Statutes which directed the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and the water management districts to adopt statewide ERP rules.

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Each Water Management District has adopted an ERP Applicant’s Handbook Volume II (“Volume II”) which contains the District-specific design and performance criteria for stormwater quantity, flood control, stormwater quality and any special basin criteria or other requirements that are applicable within the geographic area of the specific water management district. 

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This Applicant’s Handbook Volume II accompanies Chapter 62-330, Fla. Admin. Code, and the Environmental Resource Permit Applicant’s Handbook Volume I (General and Environmental). Applicant’s Handbook Volume I is applicable to all environmental resource permit applications, and provides background information on the environmental resource permit (ERP) program.

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The Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (CTDEP) has been actively involved in the operation of Connecticut’s Nitrogen Credit Exchange (NCE) since 2002. During the 2002-2009 period the total value of credits bought and sold was $45.9 million, representing 15.5 million nitrogen credits exchanged.

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